One of my biggest challenges in creating my blog posts is where to first type them. I normally use Google Docs.
I decided some time back to only have my Browser, VLC and a video editing tool as the main programs on my laptop. I am a believer of the browser being the future of everything.
So, each time I have an idea of what next to write about, I note it down on Google Keep. Then I open Google Docs (online or offline) type out my stuff, edit it, and copy paste it to my blog before publishing.
This is all about to change today with the announcement that I can save drafts on my blog direct from Google Docs.
And all I need is this Chrome Plugin –> here.
After installing it, there’s no more copy pasting.
But this isn’t just great for me, Websites where people collaborate on content should be the happiest. They can do everything on Google Docs, save it as a draft and wait for the Editor to hit publish. So yes, there’s that.
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