WhatsApp video calling Groups

If you want to have a video chat with more than 1 person on WhatsApp, it is now possible, regardless of location. And like all chats on WhatsApp, the calls are end-to-end encrypted. Meaning no one, not your ISP, your government nor WhatsApp itself can snoop on your conversations.

Earlier in the year, Apple’s iOS 12 came with an update that allows upto 32 People to Facetime simultaneously. It seemed like overkill and many people were asking themselves how they would raise a friendlist of 32 people to have a conversation at once. What would you be talking about? WhatsApp’s limit of 4 seems more rational.

WhatsApp has over 1.5 billion active monthly users and it is a given most people will take up the feature in the coming days. Especially since as long as you have a good internet connection video chat will work.

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