
Kenya launches Computer Programming Curriculum for Primary and Secondary schools

The Government of Kenya has officially launched the Coding and Computer Programming Curriculum to be used in Public Schools. The syllabus had earlier been approved by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) on April 19.  The content in the curriculum was created in partnership with Kodris Africa, an education technologies firm.

The new content will be implemented across Kenyan Primary and Secondary Schools under the National Digital Master Plan for 2022-2032. It will be applied in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and the ICT Authority through the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP).

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Cabinet Secretary Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, Mr. Joe Mucheru has also unveiled a new government driven digital skills training aimed at equipping 20 million Kenyans with relevant digital skills to enable citizens operate effectively under the digital economy. 

Speaking on Wednesday while launching Kodris Africa, Mr. Mucheru hailed the new coding syllabus as a game changer by enabling our schools to produce future computer coding experts. 

“This is a great day for the country especially for our children who will now have the opportunity to learn coding and computer programming at an early age. The world is changing and everyone is going digital and Kenya will not be left behind as the globe goes digital,” said Mr. Mucheru. 

Mr Mucheru, also added that the implementation of the Digital Literacy Programme that’s ongoing in public schools will be enhanced further with the new coding syllabus. 

“We have already distributed more than 1.2 million laptops for learners in public schools in Kenya as well as connected electricity to more than 22,000 schools and the initiative is ongoing to capture all schools as we go digital. So far we are doing well and with this new coding syllabus the Digital Literacy Programme will be enhanced,” added Mucheru. 

Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti who also attended the event, noted that the government needs to quip our children with computer skills that will help them to solve complex computer technology problems in future. 

“Equipping our children with IT skills in schools is very important because in today’s world even the police must be well trained in computer technologies to fight criminals who are now tech-savvy. Technology helps us bust crime in real time and stay ahead of the criminals,” Kinoti stated. 

KICD CEO Prof Charles Ong’ondo in a speech read on his behalf by Deputy Director e-learning Eunice Gachoka – said that the new content falls under the new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) that emphasizes on utilization of technology to equip learners with modern skills. 

Kodris Africa Chairman Mr Mwanki Munuhe has encouraged schools and parents to quickly adopt the coding curriculum as a way of preparing their children to face future computer technologies. 

“Let’s prepare our children for the future world and any child who is not grounded on technology will suffer in the future. Technology is the currency of the future,” Mwaniki said.

On his part Kodris Chief Executive Officer Mr Mugumo Munene, stated that the new coding syllabus will open the minds of children to the digital world.

“It is imperative that students learn the language of the world of today, which is coding. Kodris Africa was purpose-built to add value to the body of knowledge that students are acquiring today so that they can have a better chance in the world of employment and employment creation”, added Mugumo. 

Speaking at the same event, Stanbic Bank Chief Executive Officer, Charles Mudiwa said the bank will partner with Kodris Africa and the Kenyan government to make digital literally a reality. 

“We will be in this journey with Kodris Africa to drive digital revolution in Africa. Stanbic has signed partnership agreements with 7 Counties to train people on digital skills. So far,500 computers have been donated to education centers. Stanbic will contribute 100 computers to Kodris Africa’s initiative.

The event was also attended Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Deputy Commissioner, Technology, Innovation and Delivery, Wemmic Mutinda and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) ICT director Charles Gichira.

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