
OpenseedVC Launches $10M Fund to Empower Technology Entrepreneurs in Africa and Europe

OpenseedVC, an innovative new venture capital firm, has recently unveiled its first fund closure at $10 million, with a strategic focus on being the premier investor for seasoned operators embarking on technology ventures across Africa and Europe. This operator-led fund, founded by Maria Rotilu, a stalwart in the technology startup space, aims to foster the growth of start-ups by offering significant initial investments and access to a vast network of industry experts.

Maria Rotilu, the Founder and General Partner of OpenseedVC, brings to the table a rich background in scaling multinational technology startups such as Uber and Branch across diverse markets in Africa and Europe. Her experience is complemented by roles in investment management with Octopus Ventures and as Managing Director at the Oxford Seed Fund. With this fund, Maria envisions creating a supportive ecosystem that caters primarily to the needs of experienced operators who are transitioning into founding roles within the technology sector.

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OpenseedVC’s investment strategy is underpinned by a commitment to sectors that are pivotal to future economies, including B2B software, artificial intelligence, fintech, and advancements in health and workplace technologies. The fund will provide up to $150,000 in starter cheques to each selected start-up, coupled with the invaluable support from a robust network of over 50 seasoned experts. This is designed to propel operators from the foundational stages of their ventures towards significant growth milestones.

The fund’s focus aligns closely with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring that the investments contribute positively to broader global challenges. Over the next five years, OpenseedVC aims to invest in at least sixty start-ups, emphasising the transformative potential of these enterprises.

Since its launch, OpenseedVC has already committed investments to promising projects, including an AI-enabled supplier dispute resolution software in the United Kingdom, and a groundbreaking speech-to-text transcription model tailored for underserved accents starting with Africa. These initial investments underscore the fund’s commitment to innovative solutions that address niche markets and specialized needs.

How to Apply to OpenseedVC

For technology operators in Africa and Europe looking to scale their startups with a supportive and knowledgeable partner, OpenseedVC offers a unique opportunity. The application process is straightforward and inclusive, designed to encourage a wide array of proposals from potential technology leaders:

  1. Visit the OpenseedVC Website: Interested startups can initiate their application process by visiting the official OpenseedVC website, where detailed information about the fund, the focus areas, and the application steps are clearly outlined.
  2. Submit an Application: The fund operates an open application process, allowing founders to apply directly without the need for formal introductions or referrals. This democratizes the access to capital and ensures that all promising operators have a chance to present their ventures.
  3. Evaluation Process: All applications undergo a rigorous evaluation based on the potential for scale, innovation, and the ability to address significant challenges through technology. This process ensures that only the most viable and impactful startups are selected for investment.

Embracing Challenges and Opportunities

While acknowledging the difficulties faced by early-stage founders, especially in the current economic climate, Maria Rotilu remains optimistic about the potential for significant breakthroughs during tough times. OpenseedVC is positioned to be a cornerstone for technology operators, providing not just capital but also strategic guidance and an extensive network of experts to support the journey from concept to market.

For African operators and founders, OpenseedVC represents more than just a funding opportunity—it is a platform for growth, learning, and connection with a global network of technology and business leaders. As the technology ecosystem in Africa continues to evolve, partnerships like those offered by OpenseedVC will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the continent’s economic landscape.

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