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Best File Sharing Applications for Fast Transfers


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When it comes to transferring files on Android, iOS and even PCs, there are quite a number of file sharing apps that gets the job done. Xender for example, happens to be perhaps one of the best. Before Xender, it used to be Flash Share which made waves at the time and maybe, still does to date.

Xender sure does the job when it comes to transferring files at fast speed. However, did you know that Xender isn’t the only file sharing app in the market? Well, in this post, we will be looking at some of the best file sharing apps like Xender. You can consider them alternatives to Xender.

Xender Logo

Xender isn’t only available on Android. It is also available on iOS as well as Desktop computers. But just before we go into details of alternatives for Xender, let’s walk down memory lane:

How File Sharing Apps Came About?

Back in the days when being able to transfer files like pictures and ringtones became a thing, the only means we could share such with each other on mobile devices, was through infrared red communication.

At the time, this was a big deal. The best of phones came with an infrared port. The way this worked was by having the ports on both devices come into contact with each other before file transfer would be initiated. This would fail in case the devices moved and contact was broken when transfer had begun.

While that did the job with sending pictures and ringtones at a slow pace, a couple of years after, Bluetooth was introduced. Bluetooth seemed very cool at the time because it didn’t require the phones ‘touching’ each other, even though the transfer speeds were relatively slow. The files you could send at the time were basically pictures, music files, videos and the likes. Apps still couldn’t be transferred easily.

A couple of years later, we saw the first file sharing apps like Flash Share introduced. This brought about a huge change to date, many people still use file sharing apps for fast transfers between devices. Having mentioned that, let’s move on to the main subject matter.


1. X-Share:

Image result for xshare

First on the list, is XShare. Although developed by Shalltry Group, I first got to know about this file sharing app on infinix and TECNO phones. These OEMs for the most part, tend to introduce partner company’s apps on their devices and XShare happens to be one of those.

With the XShare, you can transfer files with other devices just the same way Xender works. Internet isn’t required to use XShare. The app claims to transfer files 200 times faster than Bluetooth. It was even tagged the fastest sharing app of 2018.

The file is free to use and size is only about 10MB. Download XShare App

2. SHAREit

Image result for shareit

Just like XShare, SHAREit claims to transfer files 200 times faster than Bluetooth. With this app, you can transfer different type of files like photos, videos, music, installed apps and any other files.

Apart from File Sharing, the app equally gives you free online feeds for movies, videos, music, wallpapers, and GIFs. There is also a media player inbuilt which helps you manage and enjoy your offline videos and music. Think of it as an essential app which not only does transfers and shares, but also serves as a media player. Download SHAREit App

3. Zapya – File Transfer, Sharing Music Playlist

Image result for zapya

To use files using this app, a QR code scan process is required. With this app, you can transfer files with Android devices, iPhones and PCs without the need for internet connection.

Asides File Sharing functions, the app also allows you discover the hottest short videos. These are basically videos shared by other users. There is also an option that allows you perform phone replication like we have on Xender.

The phone replication feature allows you easily back up and transfer all of your files from one device to another. This is handy in cases where you want to switch phones. Download Zapya App

4. Share All

Image result for shareall

Share app allows for bulk transfers. What this means is, instead of having to share files separately, you can share multiple files in form of a bucket. These files of course, includes apps, videos, photos, music, office documents (PDF, docs) etc. Download Share All App

5. Mi Drop

Mi Drop is another option by Xiaomi. It does pretty much everything Xender does. It claims the highest file transfer speeds, up to 50MB/s. Download Mi Drop App

That’s it, Guys. These are some of the best alternatives to Xender. This could be handy in cases where Xender may not be working on your phone or if you just prefer something different. If you know any other file sharing apps, do share in the comment section.

Samuel Adeniyi is a Graduate of Computer Science. He found his love for phones since the early age of java phones. Read more of his work at Follow Twitter @TechsNG.

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