Instagram Stories now has built-in Text Translation

Since 2016, Facebook-owned Instagram has been able to automatically translate captions from different languages. Well, the feature has now been extended to Instagram stories.

Users can now translate text from over 90 languages allowing people to reach an even bigger audience throughout their stories.

Here’s how to Instagram Stories text translation:

  • When viewing a story, there will be a ‘See Translations’ banner will appear in the upper left corner of your story if a foreign language is detected
  • To translate, simply tap ‘See Translations’ and a translation will pop up! 
  • Note, translations are only available for text, and not audio at this time. 

Back in May of 2021, the company introduced automatic captioning for English Audio. With that, it is probably possible we’ll see automated audio translation in a few months or years to come. Perhaps first supporting some languages, then rolling out for more.


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