itel P40 Power Cup: Unleashing Football Talents and Empowering Kenyan Youth

itel, a leading budget smartphones brand, recently hosted an exciting football tournament called the itel P40 Power Cup in Makueni County, Kenya. The event took place at the UNOA grounds in Wote on the 27th and 28th of May 2023, and it was organized in partnership with StarTimes. The tournament attracted over 400 participants, providing a platform for young and aspiring football players to showcase their skills and talents.

The itel P40 Power Cup football tournament, as per itel, was a testament to the company’s commitment to engaging with the youth and promoting sports in Kenya. Since the launch of the itel P40 smartphone, itel says it has been actively involved in various activities, and this tournament added to its list of impactful initiatives.

According to itel, participants had the opportunity to compete for an array of exciting prizes during the tournament. The rewards included the latest itel P40 smartphone with its big battery, cash prizes, trophies, itel accessories, and other gifts. By offering such appealing rewards, itel says it reinforced its position as a brand that resonates with the aspirations of the Kenyan youth.

itel believes the itel P40 Power Cup created an electrifying atmosphere brimming with youthfulness, energy, and creativity. The competition among the teams intensified, and itel says it ensured that exceptional performances were duly recognized and rewarded. The winners of the football tournament received 30 medals, more than KES 40,000 in cash, and itel accessories. The victorious teams were Muthini FC, Mukuyuni FC, and Platinumz FC.

itel P40 Power Cup: Unleashing Football Talents and Empowering Kenyan Youth

In addition to the football matches, itel says the itel P40 Power Cup tournament featured a “shoot and win” game, adding an extra layer of excitement and engagement for the participants. Itel says the event successfully generated significant buzz and brand awareness, particularly within the targeted t4-t5 markets.

Itel’s Marketing Manager, Mr. Qi Peng, expressed his delight at witnessing the exceptional talent and enthusiasm displayed by the aspiring Kenyan football players. He emphasised the company’s commitment to empowering young footballers in Kenya by providing them with cutting-edge technology at affordable prices. Itel says the Power Cup football tournament not only allowed the players to showcase their skills but also served as a means to reward their dedication and passion for the sport.

According to itel, the impact of the itel P40 Power Cup extended beyond the tournament itself. The event left an indelible mark on the local community in Wote, Makueni County, fostering a sense of unity and excitement among the residents. By actively engaging with the youth and promoting sports, itel says it has solidified its position as a brand that not only offers innovative mobile devices but also actively supports the aspirations and dreams of young Kenyans.

As the company continues to spearhead initiatives that empower the youth, it is expected that its influence and popularity will continue to grow in Kenya. Through its commitment to sports and technology, itel says it is poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of aspiring footballers and the communities they represent.


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