Climate tech startup Wattnow has recently announced it completed a multi-million dollar funding round, marking a pivotal moment in its mission to revolutionize energy management systems worldwide. The round was led by Lateral Frontiers and 216 Capital, with additional backing from Outlierz Ventures, Satgana, Octerra Capital, and several strategic angel investors. Among the notable names are Karim Beguir, founder of InstaDeep, and Guillaume Amblard. An Africa-based climate tech fund is also expected to join soon, amplifying Wattnow’s global footprint.

What is Wattnow?

Wattnow was founded in 2018 by Issam Smaali with a clear goal: to provide innovative energy management systems that help businesses optimize their energy consumption, cut costs, and reduce carbon emissions. As energy prices skyrocket globally and the need for sustainability becomes urgent, Wattnow’s solutions are in high demand.

The company’s flagship offering integrates hardware and software using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. It helps businesses monitor and manage energy usage in real time. By leveraging AI-powered analytics, Wattnow’s system provides actionable insights to optimize energy use, enabling clients to save money while reducing their environmental impact.

A Booming Market

Wattnow’s focus on energy management comes at a time when the industry is experiencing rapid growth. According to forecasts, the global Energy Management System (EMS) market will triple to $117.8 billion by 2025. A rise in global electricity demand, estimated at 3.3%, further drives the need for solutions like Wattnow’s.

Wattnow is particularly well-positioned in two key regions:

  • Europe, where the EMS market was valued at $11.77 billion
  • Middle East and Africa (MEA), where the market was valued at $1.68 billion

With its strong technological foundation and a clear market need, Wattnow is primed to take advantage of this growing industry, helping businesses across multiple regions to meet sustainability targets while maintaining profitability.

Investor Contributions and Strategic Support

Wattnow’s latest funding round brought together a range of investors, each providing more than just financial backing:

  • Lateral Frontiers: Known for supporting high-growth companies in Africa, Lateral Frontiers will help Wattnow expand across the continent. Their experience in working with companies addressing global challenges is invaluable to Wattnow’s mission.
  • 216 Capital: A committed backer of technology-driven companies, 216 Capital shares Wattnow’s vision of transforming the energy sector with innovative solutions.
  • Outlierz Ventures: Specializing in early-stage startups in Africa, Outlierz Ventures is a key player in helping Wattnow scale efficiently in emerging markets.
  • Satgana: Focused on social and environmental impact, Satgana’s alignment with Wattnow’s goals for a sustainable energy future makes it a perfect strategic partner.
  • Octerra Capital: Known for funding scalable and innovative technologies, Octerra will enhance Wattnow’s ability to deliver cutting-edge energy management solutions.

How Wattnow Works

Wattnow’s proprietary system integrates IoT-enabled hardware with powerful software to give businesses a complete picture of their energy consumption. The platform offers:

  • Real-time monitoring: Companies can visualize their energy use minute-by-minute, making it easier to identify areas of inefficiency.
  • Alerts for faults and anomalies: The system flags issues immediately, allowing for quick intervention and minimizing downtime.
  • Predictive maintenance: Using AI analytics, Wattnow offers recommendations for maintenance, helping businesses avoid costly repairs.
  • Detailed reports and insights: Comprehensive data analytics help companies understand their energy consumption patterns and optimize them for cost savings and sustainability.

This unique combination of features helps businesses achieve significant savings, reduce carbon emissions, and improve productivity, moving them closer to their sustainability goals.

Broad Industry Reach

Wattnow’s platform has already made a significant impact in various industries, including:

  • Municipalities: Helping local governments manage public utilities more efficiently.
  • Automotive and Aeronautics: Improving energy use in manufacturing and design processes.
  • Telecommunications: Ensuring data centers and networks run efficiently.
  • Banking and Insurance: Reducing overhead costs related to office energy consumption.
  • Oil and Gas: Optimizing energy usage in extraction and refining processes.
  • Construction and Retail: Cutting costs while improving sustainability in operations.

Wattnow has clients in over 11 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and North America. Importantly, the platform has been deployed in these regions without needing a local presence, highlighting its scalability and ease of implementation.

CEO Insights: Global Expansion and Sustainability

Speaking about the funding round, Issam Smaali, CEO of Wattnow, emphasized the significance of this investment. “This funding represents a significant step forward in our journey,” said Smaali. “With the support of our investors, we are well-positioned to expand our global presence, refine our technological offerings, and continue helping our clients move towards a more sustainable future.”

Smaali noted that Wattnow’s clients, initially onboarded in Tunisia, have now successfully deployed the platform across multiple continents. This highlights the global appeal and effectiveness of Wattnow’s solution.

Why Wattnow Stands Out

Wattnow’s ability to integrate seamlessly with existing operations sets it apart from other energy management platforms. Its hardware and software solutions are easy to deploy and don’t require extensive retrofitting or infrastructure changes. This makes Wattnow an attractive option for large enterprises and SMEs alike.

The platform’s competitive pricing, real-time insights, and predictive capabilities further cement Wattnow’s position as a leader in the energy management space.

The Road Ahead: What the Funding Means for Wattnow

With this new injection of capital, Wattnow is poised to:

  1. Expand globally: The funding will enable the company to grow its presence, particularly in Europe and the MEA region, where energy management solutions are in high demand.
  2. Enhance its technology: Wattnow plans to continue refining its platform, incorporating more advanced AI features and analytics tools to better serve its clients.
  3. Drive sustainability efforts: As climate change becomes a growing concern for businesses, Wattnow’s platform will help companies meet increasingly stringent sustainability targets.


Wattnow is at the forefront of an industry that is not only growing rapidly but is also essential for a sustainable future. With its innovative IoT-based energy management system, a solid client base, and now multi-million dollar backing from strategic investors, the company is well-positioned to drive change in the energy sector.

The coming years will be critical as Wattnow expands its reach and continues to develop its technology. As global demand for energy management solutions rises, Wattnow is ready to lead the charge toward a more sustainable, efficient, and profitable future.

For more information about Wattnow and its solutions, visit their website at

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