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First of all this is not a sponsored post but hey why not do it? Yesterday I discovered there’s a way I can enjoy 500MBs for only 20 bob! I would have just tweeted or shared it on my facebook page like I normally do, but 20 bob and you get 500MB just feels so good.

Actually, I am writing this blog post using the bundles. I have set it out to see if it is actually 500MB or we’re being played. The club night starts at 12am and ends at 6am meaning I’ll have to start sleeping during the day and being the nocturnal I am during the night.

Okay well that’s about it. I am writing something on why Airtel still can’t take the market from Safaricom, expect that soon. Plus there is this conversation that is going on on Apple Pay Vs Mpesa. This article and this article are arguing. Check that out and join the conversation.

To subscribe to the 500MB… I normally use the club 20 when I’m at home since I don’t need many MBs. So yesterday I arrived home and like usual I had to abandon my Safaricom line since there is no network here and we’ve been complaining since 2009. After keying in the Airtel credit, I wanted to subscribe to club 20 using the normal *120# only to discover sweeter deals lied below there.

There’s also club night plus. I asked Airtel Kenya on Twitter and these were their responses:

This is a first. I haven’t seen this in Kenya yet. But will it attract customers to shift from Safaricom to Airtel. Trust me, I buy Safaricom Bundles when I’m at school because it is Safaricom. Their network still sucks here at home, and if that weren’t the case I’d stick to Safaricom. Await the post on why Airtel can’t beat Safaricom yet.


Airtel and Orange Vs Safaricom

Airtel Launches UnlimiNET bundles.

Club Night Slashed to 250MB from 500MB.



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