Equitel users can now check Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results through their lines.
To get KCPE results Equitel users should send an SMS with the candidate’s Index Number to 22252.
Additionally to query Form 1 intake results Equitel users can send the candidate’s Index Number to 20042
Other services now available include News Alerts and Drivers Licence Verification
Equitel and X-News have partnered to offer breaking news, business, sports, politics and international news alerts through a premium rate service.
Equitel users can access these alerts by subscribing to the premium service by dialling *748#. An SMS alert costs Ksh2.50. Texts will only be received from “Equity Bank” or “Equitel” and not any other numbers.
Finally Equitel has partnered with the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to allow users to verify or check the validity of their driving licenses.
To check the validity of their drivers licenses users should send an SMS with the word DL followed by a space then their ID Number to SMS number 22846.
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