The new Phantom is Official
Why Telkom Kenya is on the right track
The race to Artificially Intelligent smartphones.
The new Google Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL have the best cameras on a smartphone, ever.
Deadline for startups to submit their projects on DigitalAfrica.AFD.fr is the 22nd of October
Off- grid solar will bring basic electricity services to almost 70 million more people in Asia and sub Saharan Africa
With the aim of listening, learning and connecting, this community meetup forms part of Facebook’s ongoing drive to strengthen its…
All thanks to the efforts by one young man
Here are the very best smartphones you can get under Ksh. 25,000
New Amazing Bundles
Would love to know your thoughts.
Did Safaricom rob Jonathan of his NFC idea? I doubt it
2017 has seen very many flagships announced worldwide. But these are the ones you can actually get in Kenya
M-PESA 1Tap is the faster way to pay with MPESA